About Us

Hello everyone, and welcome here, my name is Somu Gahlaut and I am from India.

I am a visionary and team oriented person with 7 years of expertise in Talent Acquisition, client relations and Management Strategies.

My Highest educational qualification is “Masters in Business Administration with HR Specialization”

Well this is a short brief about myself.

Now, coming to this; why I had created this Blog – Essential Skills for Life

If anyone asks me, “ Somu, what is that one top most skill; which is the most essential skill for life??”

My Answer would be   Awareness………..Awareness ………….and…………..Awareness.

I believe that every one of us should be aware about essential skills of life at a very early stage; so that they can make their life more and more beautiful.

When we are kids, our life was all about studying, playing and eating.

Slowly we grow taking different experiences which shapes our life, some of us learn important life lessons while facing different situation which leads to change in our personality , some of us face difficult situation but did not learn anything from that situation – then he/ she thinks why this happens to me only.

So for looking after all stages of life, i believe that all of us should have a little more awareness about the following things:-

  1. Education:- Everyone is going to school, colleges without understanding why; only because neighbor is going, only because society has set a standard and you have to follow. There should be some kind of awareness in this regard.
  2. Life skill: – some people had inbuilt life skill, some people had learned it with different life experiences and some people need to learn and practice it, because life skill is the skill which contribute to a great extent in anyone’s success and failure of life. That’s why I had included it in the list of essential skill.
  3. Cooking:- Everyone of us  had heard “ Love is life” and that’s true also ; but I want to add that  “ Food is life”  and I think that  90 percent of people will be agree on this. And I believe, there is no need to explain that how cooking is an essential skill of life.
  4. Spirituality:- When some incident happens in our life, all of us question ourself why me ?? Why all the problems are for me   ??…and many more question. Spirituality is something which helps us to discover our life purpose and makes our life meaningful. That’s why i had included this also in the list of essential skills. So,  with the help of this blog ; my aim is to create awareness about essential skills of life , which i feel that i should be knowing these at early stage of my life.

Alright, Thank you so much for taking your time to Read about my thoughts and belief.