Value education

Value Education

 Meaning of Value-Education Value education is the process by which people give moral values to each other. The very purpose and main function of education is the development of an all-round and well-balanced personality of the students, and also to develop all dimensions of the human intellect so that our children can help make our … Read more

How to Develop Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence

How to develop Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence is a person’s ability to understand:- ◦          Their own emotions,  ◦          The emotions of others, and ◦          To act appropriately using these emotions. Emotional Intelligence never stops growing; because we are always evolving as people. Emotional Intelligence is when you finally realize “It’s not about you only” It’s … Read more

Life without Mathematics

Life without Mathematics Hii Everyone and welcome here; Math Subject is a fear for almost 80-90 percent of students. When I was a kid, I was also thinking that Why we have to study this Math subject. In my dreams ; I used to think if this subject is removed from my life; I would … Read more

Self Assessment

  SELF ASSESSMENT Hello everyone and welcome here, In this article I am going to explain one of the most important essential skill for life- “SELF ASSESSMENT”. What is Self Assessment?          Let’s understand, first the meaning of these 2 words separately:- Meaning of SELF SELF   S-  SPIRITUALITY E-  EXPLORATION L – LOVE YOUR SELF F … Read more

What is Real Education and why it is important to understand

  REAL EDUCATION Hello everyone and welcome here, In this article, I am going to explain- What is Real Education and why it is important to understand; so let’s begin. What do you think about education, when it comes to your mind first:- Is it – Education System?, Schools? , Universities? Family education?, Good grade? manners? … Read more